Choosing Earth: Choosing Life
An absolutely gorgeous film! So needed, and at the same time inspirational. With deep thanks for this huge contribution to our knowing, being, and acting.
— Jennifer Morgan, author, Universe Story Trilogy; President and founder, Deeptime Network
About the film
Choosing Earth: Choosing Life is a 63-minute documentary that explores the speed, depth and magnitude of our growing planetary crisis, and the opportunity we have to meet this crisis consciously – with eyes and hearts wide open. Through a broad, whole-systems perspective, the film examines key challenges (climate change, inequities, species extinction, overconsumption, and more) and explores the deeper transformation being called forth from humanity. Woven throughout are stories from around the world illustrating both heart-breaking impacts and inspiring resilience. Engaging with this paradox — an unfolding global crisis paired with the opportunity to awaken to and serve the well-being of all of life — is the work of our lifetimes. The film features Duane Elgin, Victoria Santos, Jack Kornfield, Joanna Macy, Nate Hagens, Beena Sharma, Lynne Twist, Todd Lando, Rama Mani, Barbara Easterlin, Jan Edl Stein and other contributors who grapple with this paradox and offer guidance for navigating the times ahead (see below for bios). Produced and directed by Coleen LeDrew Elgin.
Appearing in the film (in order of appearance)

Duane Elgin
Duane is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and social visionary. In 2006, Duane received the International Goi Peace Award in Japan. Duane is author of numerous books on the future, including Choosing Earth (2022) and is Co-director of the Choosing Earth Project.

Victoria Santos
Victoria Santos, MA, designs and facilitates group processes in communities, organizations, businesses, universities, and schools. Victoria has a deep commitment to our collective liberation and is the founder and director of Commonweal’s Center for Healing and Liberation.

Jack Kornfield
Jack Kornfield is an Author, Buddhist practitioner, Spirit Rock Meditation Center founding teacher, and one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West. His books have been translated into 20 languages and sold more than a million copies.

Joanna Macy
Joanna Macy Ph.D., author & teacher, is a scholar of Buddhism, systems thinking and deep ecology. A respected voice in movements for peace, justice, and ecology, she interweaves her scholarship with learnings from six decades of activism. She is the author of twelve books.

Nathan John Hagens
Nate Hagens, Ph.D., is the Co-Founder and Director of the Institute for the Study of Energy and Our Future (ISEOF). Nate’s focus is to understand the interrelationships between energy, environment, and finance and the implication this synthesis has for human futures.

Beena Sharma
Beena Sharma is president of the Vertical Development Academy and an expert in helping organizations design and implement developmentally sophisticated systems. She has worked for more than two decades in whole-system, large-scale change.

Lynne Twist
Lynne Twist is a co-founder of The Pachamama Alliance, and founder of The Soul of Money Institute. Lynne Twist is a recognized global visionary committed to alleviating poverty, ending world hunger and supporting social justice and environmental sustainability.

Todd Lando
Todd Lando is the Wildfire and Hazard Mitigation Specialist for Central Marin Fire Department, and has worked as a fire inspector, served as Executive Director of Fire Safe San Mateo County, the nation’s first Fire Safe Council, and Executive Coordinator of Fire Safe Marin.

Rama Mani
Dr. Rama Mani is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Oxford’s Centre for International Studies. She is the Founder of Theatre of Transformation, a catalytic art form based on her 30 years of peacebuilding, justice, strategic leadership, and global governance.

Barbara Easterlin
Barbara Easterlin, PhD is a Licensed Psychologist and was Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California, Berkeley Psychology Department. She is researching, writing, and offering professional training on the psychological and existential dimensions of the climate crisis.

Jan Edl Stein
Jan Edl Stein, MFT, is the director of Holos Institute which offers nature-based workshops and retreats that incorporate nature-based therapy processes. Jan is a pragmatic dreamer and licensed psychotherapist, in practice for more than 30 years.
Documentary Team

Coleen LeDrew Elgin
(Director/Producer, Co-writer)
Coleen is the Co-director of the Choosing Earth Project. Her film and video work has focused on documentaries—both short and long form—that open hearts and minds, expand awareness, and reveal wisdom. Coleen was commissioned by the Betsy Gordon Foundation to produce and direct The Way of the Shaman (2017) and Science and Sacraments (2012). Clients include Fetzer Memorial Trust, Spirit Rock Mediation Center, and Shambhala Publications.

Duane Elgin
(Narrator, Co-writer, Appearing)
Duane is the Co-director of the Choosing Earth Project. He and has appeared in a number of documentary films including Love Thy Nature. Duane’s portfolio of futures work includes: two years on the senior staff of a Presidential Commission on the American Future; six years working as a senior social scientist with the “futures group” at SRI International. Duane is the author of five books that look into the deep future including Choosing Earth, The Living Universe, and Voluntary Simplicity.

Catherine Hollander
Catherine is an editor with over twenty years’ experience on a wide array of projects. In addition to editing Facing Adversity, she worked with director Coleen Elgin previously on many new paradigm stories. She has special interest in awakening and the spiritual journey, editing the feature docs Precious Guru and When The Iron Bird Flies. Her passion is to craft intelligent and striking media that engages mainstream and niche audiences alike.

Marga Laube
Marga is a counseling astrologer of 20 years. She regularly teaches, writes, and produces media to assist her clients and audience in their evolutionary journeys. She is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker. Her passion is to catalyze evolution, and in this pursuit she is multilingual, speaking the languages of astrology, music, poetry, and film. Marga lives to spend time in the wilderness. Food tastes better to her in the backcountry. She is perennially learning about how to pack light!

Katie Teague
(Cinematographer, Field Producer/Storyteller)
Katie is a photographer, podcaster and an award winning documentary filmmaker (Money & Life) and former Sundance grantee (99% The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film). With a Masters degree in Depth Psychology, she turned her tending of the world soul from the counseling room to the craft of visual story making. Her most recent film is RE:MEMBER where grief and beauty co-exist. Katie’s passion and purpose lie at the intersection of grief tending, healing inter-generational trauma and strengthening resilience for navigating the complexity and uncertain futures of these times. All towards building a new thriveable economy and a more regenerative world that works for all.

Ian Albert
(Cinematographer, Video Effects)
Ian is a producer and director of photography with more than 25 years of experience in video and television production. He specializes in documentary filmmaking and media production for both non-profit and corporate organizations. In 2003 he co-founded the company Pranamaya Inc, which produced and published yoga and meditation media for ten years. He has studied and practiced deeply in the traditions of Buddhism and hatha yoga.

Harley Scroggins
(Motion Graphics)
Harley is an independent filmmaker and freelance animator/illustrator who lives and works in Santa Clarita, California. Harley earned her bachelor’s degree from the Experimental Animation program at California Institute of the Arts in 2015 and has worked in various aspects of the visual arts since, such as motion graphics, stop-motion animation, and children’s book illustrations. You can learn more and view her work at

Bill Phillips & Aimie Vallat
(Cinematography and field producer)
Bill Phillips of White Rain Filmsand Aimie Vallat of Reel Witnessgraciously offered to film Victoria Santos at Whidbey Island. They are both award winning filmmakers and we are so grateful they brought their gifts to this project. Watch Aimie’s film, Present Moment.

Laura Loescher
Laura is our project advisor and coach and has brought her many gifts to the film project. She was a key reviewer, helped to obtain the interviews for the Almeda Fire Story, and appears in the film. Laura is also a gifted artist and her “Earth Altars” are beautiful inspirations. You can purchase cards, prints, and more at her Etsy Shop (we love them!). She often donates a percentage to good causes.

Charity Kahn
Charity wrote and performed with the JAMband the original sound track -“I Am The Earth“. This track speaks to the soul of the film. We love this mesmerizing song and encourage you to check out her other music. “I Am The Earth” is on the album “Earth.”
Charity Kahn is a musician, teaching artist and Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher based in the SF Bay Area. She’s the founder of the critically-acclaimed band Charity and the JAMband, and has been sharing music, movement and meditation with people of all ages through her beloved classes, camps, concerts and nine award-winning albums for over two decades. Charity also brings a passion for climate awareness and food justice to her projects The Invisible Bee and The Vegan Journey. For more info, visit
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