Guide for Groups

Exploring the themes and insights in the book Choosing Earth and the film Choosing Earth: Choosing Life is particularly impactful within a group setting. Many of the challenges facing humanity are collective, so it is makes sense to come together in community to explore our future, the direction our civilization is taking, and the choices before us. This webpage offers a comprehensive guide for group leaders, including course content materials and logistics, empowering you to facilitate your groups effectively. 

Materials for Facilitators

Welcome Video – Coming Soon

Example letters. Click here to download

Video clips for Course Sessions

Wide Deep and Long (Session 1)

Three Pathways (Session 2)
Excerpt from documentary (Session 3)
Living Universe and Aliveness (Session 5)

Course description/feedback from Choosing Earth course participant

I was among those truly blessed to have participated in Duane and Coleen Elgin’s Choosing Earth course. Their wisdom and presence created a transformative environment for our group that will continue to resource all of us in the years to come as we navigate the profound challenges ahead.

What struck me most was their ability to hold space for the group’s wide range of emotions. As we grappled with the harsh realities of our planetary crisis, Duane and Coleen guided us with grace and compassion. They allowed room for grief and anxiety while skillfully redirecting us towards hope and possibility. This delicate balance helped me process my own complex feelings about our global challenges.

They created an atmosphere where we felt valued and heard and had space to feel, contemplate, and grow. The discussions were rich and multifaceted, with Duane and Coleen drawing out insights from the group while adding their profound observations. Their questions and prompts often led to new revelations, deepening our collective understanding.

Their emphasis on aliveness infused every aspect of our time together. They modeled a way of being that was fully present, deeply caring, and attuned to the living world around us.

Under their guidance, I felt myself shifting—not just in my understanding of our global situation, but also in my sense of connection to the living Earth and the role we can play in shaping our collective future. Their wisdom, compassion, and visionary outlook have profoundly influenced how I navigate these profound times. I am beyond grateful to have had this experience with them.

—Sunny Sabbini