Recordings from our programs

Exploring the social, psychological, and spiritual implications of Whole Systems Crisis

At the Threshold: Grief, Initiation, and Transformation with Francis Weller
A spirited and soul-searching conversation based on Francis’ work as a psychotherapist and soul activist. Francis is also the author of the powerful preface for the second edition of Duane’s book, Choosing Earth. The title of his preface describes what we focus on in this impactful conversation: “At the Threshold: Grief, Initiation, and Transformation.” You can download the full book with preface for free here.  For thirty-nine years Francis has worked as a psychotherapist and developed a style he calls soul-centered psychotherapy. As a gifted therapist and teacher, he has been described as a jazz artist, improvising, and moving fluidly in and out of deep emotional territories with groups and individuals, bringing imagination and attention to places often held with judgment and shame.

Climate Psychology – What are we learning? What is emerging? with Barbara Easterlin
Barbara Easterlin, PhD, is one of the key founders of the Climate Psychology in Therapeutic Practices Certificate program at the California Institute of Integral Studies. We explore what Barbara is learning from her teaching and research in this emerging field. Specific topics include working with eco-anxiety and eco-dread, speaking effectively with children and young adults, and understanding the long-term stress of living with the reality of profound climate changes.

Lessons from the Front Lines – Life, Loss, and Healing with Ladybird Morgan
A conversation with Ladybird Morgan. In addition to more than 20+ years working in hospice and palliative medicine, Ladybird has a wealth of experience dealing with trauma, mental health, and the painful repercussions of sexual violence. We explore a variety of themes including front line workers shouldering weight within systems breakdown; trauma; end of life/death and dying; what it means to be human; lessons from work in prisons; and psychedelics for healing and transformation.

Contributing Effectively in Times of Crisis with Roger Walsh
This program is lead by Roger Walsh, who has a unique and wide background (he is an award-winning professor, M.D., Buddhist teacher, and in other lives was a circus acrobat and record holder in high diving).
Given our social turmoil and imperiled planet, the great question of our time has become, “What can I do?” This is an invaluable question, but is best viewed as a starting point for a deeper quest. This quest begins by asking still deeper questions to recognize the responses that call us most and are most strategic. It recognizes our current crises as expressions of deeper patterns which reveal strategic leverage points. It then simultaneously addresses both outer social change and inner healing and maturation, and thereby transforms contribution into the growth practice of sacred service, or as it’s traditionally known, karma yoga. Then we go out into the world in order to go deeper into ourselves, and we go deeper into ourselves so as to go more effectively out into the world. This workshop will introduce these possibilities and bring them alive for participants through guided meditations and experiential exercises.